Photographers try in vain to stop people just copy/pasting their photos online (what are they going to do, sue everyone?), including in some cases big companies that didn't even bother to check the copyright. Musicians decry royalties paid out by Spotify (that aren't actually so small, but the majority of the cut is taken by the music industry). Meanwhile, book authors are struggling to find a reason to write books, since many barely recoup the costs. DMCA is constantly abused to take down fair-use content. Amazon uses copyright as an excuse to push DRM, locking out competition and limiting users' rights (Kindle, Audible DRM). And the US has, through its trade deals, exported this thing worldwide.ĭisney lobbies for life of author + 70 years copyright duration not out of goodwill towards authors (in fact, it's been trying to wriggle out of paying royalties to some of them!).

However, the original idea of copyright has been bent, broken, dismembered, and sown back together in a Frankensteinian abomination and now serves only to line up pockets of people in the publishing industry.

An artist has the right to enjoy the fruits of their labor, and creative works do have value. It is a product of decades' worth of lobbying by very rich and powerful organizations and megacorps. It does not protect the artists, the creative works, or the little guy. Copyright, as it exists in the 21st century, is a scam.